I often see videos pasted on corporate and personal sites. Suddenly, I wondered how that was pasted. Certainly, I remembered that the book I purchased below had a tag to paste video and audio. So I immediately looked back at the book and pasted the images and sounds taken with my smartphone. I was able to paste it easily. If you make an album using the sounds and videos of when a child was born, it will be a work that will last a lifetime.
動画再生を示すタグ video src="" controlsを使用して。
どこの駅かわかりますでしょうか? | Do you know where the station is?
音声再生を示すタグ audio src="" controlsを使用して。
子供たちの遊び声(おもちゃを使って戦いごっこ?)| Children's play voice (playing with toys?)
やっぱりプロの人から直接学びたいという方はこちら。| Click here if you want to learn directly from professionals
キャリアアップに必要なスキルを取得しよう。| Get the skills you need to advance your career.
オンラインで受講ができるスクールですので、全国どこからでも。 | Since it is a school where you can take classes online, you can take it from anywhere in the country.
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